Category: Animals

Fighting For Animal Rights

Who says only humans have rights. Animals have rights too although it is often overlooked by many simply because they are not up to par with the human race. They are the inferior species, it is true but it does not mean we can just trample on their rights just like that because they are living beings that can feel and get hurt too. Not everyone treats animals this way but it can’t be denied that there are those who enjoy inflicting pain and making these poor animals suffer for their own enjoyment. In the likes of these people are hunters, poachers, and everyone else who patronizes cruelty to animals in one way or the other.

Many times society has been torn as to what to feel and how to act on circumstances where animal life is not given importance at all. Science, after all, uses animals in their research and every other industry that require a testing of some sort before they can safely sell their products to their end consumers – humans. Shops that sell animal-related souvenirs or exotic delicacies are also included in this list. And if you look at it, our society has embraced some sort of tolerance to these behaviors over the years and some even consider it as part of the norm.

This dispute once again gave rise to questions about the legal personality of non-humans.


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Are You Ready To Adopt A Pet?

Not everyone is meant to be pet parents. It’s a reality of life. Some people don’t just have the soft spot to care for another living being that is not human. It takes a big heart and a great deal of patience to support the needs of an animal friend aside from showering them with the tender love and care they also need as much as humans do. And you would actually be surprised to learn that animals have a lot of needs too and caring for them can be quite expensive as well, so owning one as a pet isn’t really something for everyone. You have responsibilities as if you are also raising a young child. So imagine how difficult it must be for strays to keep themselves alive and safe from the elements without owners to look after them.

However, a lot of animals have recently become orphans because of the onslaught of the destructive hurricanes that hit certain parts of the nation. Some of them are already strays fending for themselves while the rest are pets that have either been left behind, in short abandoned, by or have been separated from their owners. Many of them were rescued by local animal shelters. Unfortunately, they are so many that these shelters can’t accommodate them all. So, are you ready to welcome one furry friend into your home or not?…

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Animal Preservation At Its Finest

We all know that our lives here on earth are finite. Nothing goes on forever except the planet perhaps. At some point or another, we all get hurt and eventually die. That’s the cycle of life. And while death isn’t always the end for most species, for some it is. It’s what you know as extinction. We know about various animals that used to walk this planet but are now gone forever. Various factors are at play as to how extinction works but it does happen and continue to occur until today.

Considering that there’s the lingering threat of global warming and climate change, it is highly possible that more animal species will disappear for good if we don’t act on it today. Fortunately, scientists are already at work in ensuring the survival of those species nearing extinction. It is all made possible by new technologies that aim in preserving genetics, so we can continue to perpetuate those endangered species regardless of the current circumstances in their immediate environment and the world at large.

And now a new technology has emerged to help do just that, preserve rare and important livestock genetics.
The new technology comes via Canadian Animal Genetic Resources (CAGR), a joint initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), to preserve the genetic diversity of Canadian livestock and poultry breeds, and to

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Do Animals Have Rights Too?

The concept of human rights is such a controversial topic because of issues that involve abuse. From centuries ago until now, human rights are constantly violated and brought up in the mainstream media. However, there is something rarely spoken of but just as crucial as well – animal rights.

Do animals have rights? It is but a valid question like human rights. Even though we think of animals as less superior than us, they are living beings too that deserve to treated right by society. But doesn’t evolution teach us that we evolved from Primates? If that’s the case, we are animals too, in a sense, right?

Abusing animals is no more justifiable than abusing people, writes Peter Tatchell. The moral touchstone is sentience, not species, and the ‘humans first’ ideology of speciesism is analogous to homophobia, racism & misogyny. Cruelty is barbarism, whether inflicted on humans or on other species. We need to recognise and accept our common animal nature.

Since we humans are an animal species, it is obvious that human rights are a form of animal rights; and that animal rights include – or should include – the human species.

Sadly, not everyone sees it this way. Many view humans and other animals as totally distinct: drawing a clear, sharp line between animal rights and human rights.

That’s not my view. Sentience is the bond that unites all animal species,

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