Tag: Sports

Staying Fit And Healthy In The Era of Social Media

People were more active back then. The absence of too much technology prompted people to do things on their own when they can’t rely on a gadget or two to wash their dishes, heat their food or research their homework. Everything was done by scratch. And people led more active lives too. People actually go out of the house to keep themselves entertained since nothing much is on TV and they didn’t have a smartphone to fiddle with.

Nowadays, people can’t get enough of social media. It borders on an addiction/ obsession already. And as we become more dependent and obsessed with technology, the less time we have to move around and take care of our physical health. Even sleep is compromised as you stay up late at night to keep yourself updated on the happenings on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. As a result, our physical health deteriorates and obesity is becoming a global issue. People these days have no time to engage in actual sports but they play all sorts of games on their smartphones, tablets, and computers.

You just won a big game with your team and one way to commemorate the victory is by posting a video of the celebration on your Instagram or Snapchat. Should you post?

You just lost a big game with your team and one way of venting is to post your frustrations on Facebook or

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