Tag: Snoring

Snoring Indicates More Serious Health Problems

We all just want to sleep after a long day at work or at school. You can’t wait but to hit the sack and get some well-deserved snooze and recharge for the next day. But getting a good night’s sleep is not always possible with the many distractions in our life right now – and I’m not just referring to surfing the internet until the wee hours of the morning.

A lot of people snore. And it can deprive you of a much-needed sleep as it does to your spouse. But if snoring does not just prevent you from sleeping but also leaves you feeling exhausted in the morning, then it is not just a simple case of snoring but a more serious condition known as sleep apnea.

Medical professionals reveal that snoring indicates more serious health issues.

Annoying and more often than not, disruptive, snoring is the most common problem affecting more than 90 million Americans of both genders and all ages.

The National Sleep Foundation says 37 million Americans snore on a regular basis.

More than an annoyance, snoring is body’s way of telling you something is wrong, according to doctors. It has many causes and the trick is to find out why you snore, which is difficult.

Patients diagnosed with sleep apnea snores.

Sleep Apnea happens when the person actually stops breathing briefly during sleep. It’s a condition doctors said

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